Quality Overview!

Out-of-hours contact

Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays...

Status of the query

We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours...

Customer satisfaction

Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services...

Contact acknowledgement

All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working...

Immediate response

Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately...

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Smart waste Management LTD provides waste management services we work very closely with our customers to understand their needs and provide excellent services. Our major services include removal of redundant stock confidential shredding and recycling of the material. SWM pays market high prices.

Free Inspection

We offer free inspection and visits of the redundant stock and provide expert advise to the customer on efficient ways of recycling and waste management. See customer login for more details.

Free Quotations

We offer free quotations, which can be requested, through our customer login.

Free Call back

We also offer call back facility to our valued customers for quotations and expert advice. All you have to do is fill a brief questionnaire on the website and we will contact you next working day.

Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

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