Quality Overview!

Out-of-hours contact

Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays...

Status of the query

We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours...

Customer satisfaction

Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services...

Contact acknowledgement

All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working...

Immediate response

Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately...

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At Smart Waste Management Ltd we strive for High Quality customer services in all our operations.

  • Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays, in cases of emergency, or any other exceptional circumstances.
  • We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours, unless we have told the customer otherwise, to clarify the status of the query.
  • Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services to seek feedback and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working days by fax and response will be sent within five working days.
  • Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately. After confirmation of booking with subcontractor SWM will call back within 2 hours to confirm date and time of collection.

Integrity is foundation of our value system, at SWM we take pride in meeting the payment commitments on time.


Waste Carrier License (No. EN/931286/CB)

Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

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