Quality Overview!

Out-of-hours contact

Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays...

Status of the query

We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours...

Customer satisfaction

Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services...

Contact acknowledgement

All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working...

Immediate response

Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately...

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Welcome to Smart Waste Management Ltd.

Smart Waste Management Ltd

Past two centuries have seen major developments in lifestyle of mankind. Use of earth’s resources is at its maximum in recorded human history. Industrial and household waste has become an overwhelming challenge to mankind over past few decades. Climate change is becoming an issue that needs to be addressed for the betterment of our generations yet to come.

  • Each UK resident uses an equivalent of 200 cans a year - if you put these end to end, this is as high as the Tower of London!
  • During year 2002, 9.1 billion plastic bottles were disposed off and only 360 million were recycled in the UK.
  • Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60W light bulb for up to 6 hours.
  • Nearly 5 million tonnes of waste paper are sent to landfill or incineration in UK each year.
Smart Waste Management Ltd

Here at SWM we are looking forward for utilizing innovation and technology to tackle these challenges. We believe that ‘we will make the difference’.

Smart Waste Management Ltd is working very closely with recycling industry with in the UK and abroad to achieve the targets of resource management. Through recycling we can divert the waste from land filling into manufacturing and production.

Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

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