Quality Overview!

Out-of-hours contact

Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays...

Status of the query

We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours...

Customer satisfaction

Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services...

Contact acknowledgement

All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working...

Immediate response

Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately...

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BOPP clear enlarge»

BOPP metalized enlarge»

BOPP pearl enlarge»

BOPP printed enlarge»

Card Board Bales enlarge»

GPPS tint enlarge»

HDPE bottles enlarge»

HDPE regrind enlarge»

LDPE 100% enlarge»

Mix Bottles Packaging waste enlarge»

PC-CD enlarge»

PET50-50. enlarge»

PET botlles blue clear enlarge»

PET bottles blue tint enlarge»

PET Green enlarge»

PET natural bottles enlarge»

PET rolls enlarge»

PMMA enlarge»

PVC shrink wrap enlarge»


PVC wood grade enlarge»

Scam board enlarge»

Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

Our services »