Quality Overview!

Out-of-hours contact

Out of hours contact is also available on public holidays...

Status of the query

We will return all telephone or voice-mail messages within two hours...

Customer satisfaction

Every customer will be contacted (courtesy call) after receiving any of our services...

Contact acknowledgement

All written communication will be acknowledged (if required), within two working...

Immediate response

Faxed requests for waste collections will be catered immediately...

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About Us

Company Profile

Smart waste management Ltd specialises in industrial & commercial plastics and cardboard waste. We provide full waste management solutions on and off site. We are capable of handling materials such as LDPE, PET, PVC, HDPE, PP, PS etc in any quantity.


Nearly 3 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated every year in the UK alone, but only 5% is recycled.

In order to contribute towards the sustainable development of humanity, we see this as a moral obligation and a business opportunity at the same time. Together with our customers and partners ‘we will make the difference’.

We are proud to have our livelihoods associated with preserving the environment for our future generations.



Ethical approach to the business lies at the heart of SWM values. We believe in growth on a strong foundation of integrity.

Customer Focus

We believe in a dynamic yet customer focused business that is flexible to the needs of our valued customers.

Profit Through Progress

We believe ‘Growth is Life’ hence our aim is to seek profit through progress of waste management industry. Progress of this industry will help protect this planet.

Reduce Reuse & Recycle

Our destiny is to spread the awareness of Reduce Reuse and Recycle among all levels of society.

Mission Statement

We strive to provide state of the art waste management solutions to the UK industry and overseas. Our aim is to consolidate innovative waste management and recycling services under one name and become a trademark in preserving our environment.

Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

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